Apply for Community Action Awards for Summer 2025
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Various Campus Locations
The Bard Center for Civic Engagement and Career Development Office sponsor Community Action Awards that help cover costs associated with unpaid summer internships that support pre-professional experiences. Undergrads identify an internship site and apply for funding. Applications for the Summer of 2025 will open on Saturday March 1st.
Five $4,000 awards for 8+ week-long internships (the equivalent of approximately 250 hours)
Eight $3,000 awards for 8 week-long internships (the equivalent of approximately 200 hours)
Five $1,500 awards for 4 week-long internships (the equivalent of approximately 100 hours)
Some smaller amounts of funding are available to cover expenses related to unpaid internships.
CCE and CDO awards two awards maximum per internship site; each award is taxed.
Am I eligible?
All Bard undergrads who have at least one more semester at Bard are eligible, as long as they are pursuing a community-based, public-facing internship in the following fields: civic engagement, education, government, social justice, human rights, media, public policy, the arts and social entrepreneurship.
Bard graduate students are not eligible for this award, unless you are a current undergrad transitioning to a Bard graduate studies program. The Community Action Award Program prioritizes first time CAA recipients, so that the Selection Committee can ensure spreading out opportunities amongst our student body.
If I have a local internship, can I live on Bard's campus for the duration of my internship?
Yes, as long as you meet all Bard Residence Life summer housing deadlines! We will cover your on-campus housing costs
If I cannot pay out of pocket for pre-internship expenses (flights, housing, etc.), what should I do?
You should schedule an appointment with either Elena Sniezek and Sarah deVeer to discuss your specific needs.
If I already received a Community Action Award in a previous summer, can I apply again?
Yes, but your CAA application will only be considered after first time applicants are considered.
Deadlline to apply is Wednesday, April 16
For more information, call 845-758-6822