Realizing Bard’s mission as a private college operating in the public interest.
The Center for Civic Engagement at Bard College coordinates a broad range of initiatives that connect students to internships, volunteer opportunities, community engagement, and activism. Bard students tap into their own idealism and vision, developing civic skills that are fundamental for active citizenship.
The Center for Civic Engagement at Bard College coordinates a broad range of initiatives that connect students to internships, volunteer opportunities, community engagement, and activism. Bard students tap into their own idealism and vision, developing civic skills that are fundamental for active citizenship.
Photo by Jonathan Asiedu ’24
Bard was named one of the top 10 colleges for student voting in the United States, with a voter registration rate topping 85%.*
The Election@Bard team works tirelessly to ensure your right to vote. Bard students, staff, and faculty have been fighting voter suppression in Dutchess County for decades, and recently won a legal battle to secure an on-campus polling place. Are you registered to vote yet? Registration is easy, and we’ll help you with the process.
*Washington Monthly, October 2020
*Washington Monthly, October 2020
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Voices of Action
Voices of Action celebrates the diversity of students, staff, and faculty at Bard College and across Bard's international partnerships and the greater Open Society University Network. We hope this community-centered project sparks conversation and highlights how we are connected by common interests, especially around civic and community engagement. Voices of Action showcases two platforms: Being(s) at Bard on Instagram (@beingsatbard) and the What Is Your Why? podcast series.
Photo by Jonathan Asiedu ’24
Get Involved
Leadership isn’t handed to you. It’s learned, and it’s earned. Bard provides many opportunities to drive positive change in the College community and beyond.