Help Build Community at the Resilience Café!
Saturday, March 29, 2025
12:30 pm – 5:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 Campus Center, Multipurpose Room
The Center for Civic Engagement and (local partner) Thrift 2 Fight invite students, staff, faculty and community to come together for an afternoon of crafting, zine making, mending, wellness, and emergency preparedness activities.
You will be able to participate in workshops on conflict resolution, emergency preparedness, self defense, and tech security.
Reserve your spot via the QR code at left.
Day-of arrivals are welcome, space permitting.
Partners include: Bard CCE, Bard Wellness, Bard EMS, Health Services, Warriors, Red Hook Chamber of Commerce, Thrift2Fight
12:30 - 4:00
Community Tabling, Crafting and more in the MPR
With Bard EMS, Bard Peer Health and Wellness, Thrift2Fight, Bard Center for Civic Engagement, Bard Civic Ambassadors, Red Hook Chamber of Commerce, AmeriCorps, State/American Red Cross ENY
1:00 - 2:50
Conflict 101 with local activist and musician callie mackenzie in the George Ball Lounge
callie mackenzie (she/they) is a Kingston, NY based social change worker, musician and multidisciplinary artist. Living at the intersections of art & social justice, she uses the practice of creating art as medicine, and works to create liberatory and joyful spaces for growth and healing rooted in love. callie mackenzie holds a Master’s Degree in Human Services. She has an Embodied Social Justice Certificate from Transformative Programs, Art of Leadership Certificate from Rockwood Leadership Institute. callie is a trained conflict mediator completing courses with Vision Change Win and Project Nia and is a forever student of non-violent communication and conflict mediation.
2:00 - 3:00 Hands-Only CPR and Be Red Cross Ready in the Campus Center Yellow Room
Mathew Nedin on "What goes into a go bag? What should I know if an emergency happens? How can I be helpful in an emergency?"
3:00 - 5:00 Self-Defense 101 with Vince Torres in the Stevenson Gymnasium Instructional Room
Vince Torres is a Bard cook at Kline Commons and has been practicing martial arts since 2022. To Vince, martial arts and self-defense are essential skills that empower individuals to live confidently and have far-reaching benefits, enhancing professional, creative, and interpersonal aspects of life.
4:00 - 5:00 "What does my phone know about me?" in the George Ball Lounge
Join Chris Ahmed and Hayden Sartoris from Bard's IT Department for an interactive discussion on nearly any information or cyber security topic you have. Come prepared with a question and they will answer it! Chris Ahmed has been working in Bard College IT as a Systems Administrator since 2015 and an Information Security Analyst since 2021.
For more information, call 845-758-6822